Understand and Grow.

Welcome Format

The Welcome Format is the marquee learning format of Blood and Salt TCG. It is here where you will learn what it takes to sail the seas and pilot a Captain of your choosing. It’s the perfect format for getting taste of Captains and their playstyles as well as learning the game of Blood and Salt TCG.

Set-up Guide

  • 1 Captain and 1 Warship

  • 30-card deck constructed from the 45-card print-and-play card pool of your choosing

  • 6 total settings along the setting path

  • 3 tide levels:

    • Settings 1-2 (Low Tides), Settings 3-4 (Rising Tides), Settings 5-6 (Flooded Tides)

  • Sanity Tests: Broken traits available

  • 30 minute games at Best of 1

Deck Configuration

Cards that match your Captain’s class, origin, or knowledges along with any world cards may be added to your chosen pool of cards. Your card pool must include 1 Captain, 1 warship, 3 settings, and the 30-card deck from the 44-card pool. Since the ability cards which you choose the 30 card deck from is fixed, the remaining 14 cards in the print and play consist of your Captain, crewmembers, possessions, settings, and corpse cards to fill out your crew.

Official rules are currently a work in progress.

Tournament Layouts

Games will be played best of 1 and will be played within a Swiss-system tournament. The tournament can be adjusted as shown below:

Players ; Rounds; Playoffs Needed?

Players: 3 - 4 ; 2 Rounds ; No Playoff Games

*Players: 5 - 8 ; 3 Rounds ; No Playoff Games

Players: 9 - 16 ; 4 Rounds ; Top 8 Cut

Players: 17 - 32 ; 5 Rounds ; Top 8 Cut

Players: 33 - 64 ; 6 Rounds ; Top 8 Cut

*This format has been refined for this amount of players.

Game-Start Procedure

  1. Players reveal their chosen Captain.

  2. Randomly decide which player will travel first.

  3. Players shuffle their decks followed by allowing their opponent to cut and/or shuffle their deck.

  4. Players reveal their possessions and Crew, draw to their Captain’s Sanity, and the Traveling Player takes their first travel.

Game-End Procedure

Once a player has met a win condition and won the required amount of games, the game ends and a player is declared the winner. If no winner is determined yet, the Traveling Player finishes their travel followed by 1 more travel by the appropriate player. If no winner is determined once again, the player with the most stress prior to any provision usage loses. If no winner is determined once more, the game ends in a draw.