Conquer All who Cross your Flag.


Armadas is the marquee multiplayer format of Blood and Salt TCG. Build a deck comprised of 2 Captains, expanding your available card pool, and maximize the fun! Maneuver your warship, shoot cannons at opposing ships, and breach those ships along your path to victory to be the last ship floating!

Set-up Guide

  • 2 Captains and 1 Warship

  • 60-card decks

  • Singleton by uniqueness (1 copy of each unique card allowed in your deck, unless using welcome decks, than 2 combined welcome decks allowed)

    • A unique card is any card with a different name and/or different gambit value (green, yellow, or purple)

  • No setting path

    • Instead: Set up a 4x4 grid using card backs and place your warship onto the corner closest to you.

  • Sanity Tests: Broken traits available

  • 50 minute games at Best of 1

Deck Configuration

Cards that match either of your 2 Captain’s classes, origins, or knowledges along with any world cards may be added to your deck. Your deck must include 2 Captains and 1 Warship. Each unique card can only be included once in your deck and you must present a 60-card deck.

Once you have randomly determine which player will go first. In clockwise order, players will take turns using their character turns until all character turns have been exhausted, at which time all character turns are then reset and initiative moves to the next player in clockwise order. A player must take a character turn each time it is their turn to do so. These character turns include using abilities from hand when a warship is breached, loading and shooting cannons, displacing within your crew with haste, or using any of the new Armadas-specific character turn options:

3 new character turn options:

Once per round - 1 of your Crewmembers may use their character turn to choose one:

  • Sail: Displace your warship along the grid, moving in any direction, and for as many knots (cards) as your chosen warship type allows.

  • Prepare: Draw a card or rearm and reload a weapon you control.

  • Raise the Tides: Exert all other warships 1.

Official rules are currently a work in progress.

Playing Field


Speaking of warships, Armadas makes the warship the center of the show! In addition to still being able to use the abilities stated on your warship, warship types, as seen on warship cards as either carrier, runner, leviathan, or breacher, are now more important than ever because they determine how your warship can move and interact with the seas as seen below:

  • Carrier Warships:

    • Sail: Can move 3 knots (1 card each knot).

    • Start of Game: These warships start with a provision in the Captain’s Quarters.

  • Runner Warships:

    • Sail: Can move 3 knots (1 card each knot).

    • Start of Game: These warships can also move diagonally when you sail.

  • Leviathan Warships:

    • Sail: Can move 2 knots (1 card each knot).

    • Start of Game: These warships pay 1 less when paying to fire a cannon.

  • Breacher Warships:

    • Sail: Can move 3 knots (1 card each knot).

    • Start of Game: These warships deal an additional wound when they breach a warship.

There are 2 other warship interactions that should be discussed:

  1. Firing a cannon

  2. Breaching a warship

Firing a cannon is when a player may spot a cannon weapon they control with ammo loaded into it to target another warship. For every knot (card) away that target warship is, the player must pay 1. That cannon attack may be deflected and interacted with per usual combat in Blood and Salt TCG.

Breaching a warship occurs when 2 warships end up on the same knot (card) of the grid. When this happens, the breached warship is dealt 1 wound, followed by the breaching player being able to use cards from hand to attack the breached players’ crew. These attacks may be deflected and interacted with per usual combat in Blood and Salt TCG.

Game-Start Procedure

  1. Players reveal their chosen Captains and place their Warship onto one of the corners of the 4x4 grid.

  2. Randomly decide which player will take the first character turn.

  3. Players shuffle their decks followed by allowing their opponent(s) to cut and/or shuffle their deck.

  4. Players reveal their possessions and Crew, draw to their Captain’s Sanity, and the first player takes their first character turn. Player turns proceed clockwise until all character turns have been exhausted.

Game-End Procedure

When a player has sank a warship, that player’s warship heals 2. Then, play continues until the turn has passed back to the player that sank the first warship. Once back at that player, a new travel starts procing any sinking damage, followed by determining whomever has the warship with the highest health. That player is declared the winner and the game ends. If no winner is determined yet, the player with the least stress is declared the winner. If no winner is determined once more, a kraken appears and sinks all warships and the game ends in a draw.